With the introduction of cloud-based technologies, it has become easier to create efficient and powerful applications. However, for most developers, securing applications is not easy. In this blog post, we will share five essential skills that will be useful to experts if they plan to create secure applications.

Security Skills

1. Cloud identity management and identity verification.

The cloud infrastructure has no major security issues. If you don’t understand how to manage applications, the authentication process may be weak. Possible problems with authentication include weak passwords and some errors in configuring security permissions. Most cloud data breaches are due to issues related to verification. Therefore, it is suitable for each developer to understand the security of the cloud system and other risks that may be involved. You can also prepare to become familiar with IAM (Identity Access Management) for the cloud, as it will come in handy.

2. Information security management.

Another key skill is understanding how to manage information security. This will allow you to avoid network security threats. If you have IT credentials in any area of ​​information security management, people will rely on your skills to obtain reliable cybersecurity support. In addition, the relevant skills covered by the Professional Information System Security Certificate (CISSP) certification in areas such as encryption and cloud architecture are also critical. These professionals give business owners confidence that they can achieve safety goals by completing their work.

3. Database configuration

By default, most leading databases (such as MongoDB) are insecure. To use them, there are some necessary settings to make them safe. In most cases, inexperienced and inexperienced developers will continue to use them without performing the required configuration. Therefore, sensitive details are open to all people who access the Internet. This has led to some major data thefts in history. It is important to understand the default settings of any database and how to effectively protect it. Various skills such as NoSQL and SQL are very valuable for configuring databases.

4. Basic system management skills

You can learn how to develop cloud applications, but lack the skills required for system management. It has been observed that many software developers tend to have an understanding of system management. Therefore, the burden of responsibility falls on those engineers who must manage cloud servers to become familiar with the latest operating systems. They also need to test and master system management skills.

5. Comprehensive knowledge of OWASP Top-10

Every year, the Open Web Application Security Project aggregates information about malicious Internet security threats. These usually come with injection attacks, insufficient registration and incorrect security settings. As a software developer, you need to understand all the risks, how they work, and how to develop applications that can resist these threats.

The field of expertise of cloud developers

The cloud computing industry is growing rapidly. According to Gartner’s cloud service revenue forecast, this year’s international public cloud service revenue is expected to reach 411 billion US dollars. The best news is that growth in this area is attracting diversification and increasing employment opportunities. But what is the role of cloud application developers? What kind of knowledge do they need to succeed?

There are many cloud platforms on the market, such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services. As a cloud expert, you must understand them. You should also know how to use each platform to implement the company’s cloud computing strategy. Here are some of the Cloud developer roles that are badly needed today, and the knowledge needed to successfully assume these roles.

Cloud Architect

This is one of the strategic cloud developer roles. The cloud architect is responsible for overseeing all cloud computing methods. This includes planning, designing, organizing and implementing cloud delivery structural models. For this role, it is important to understand the multi-cloud environment. In most cases, these experts may conclude that using cloud services alone may not be the best solution.

Another important part of this job role includes understanding the cost structure. This means you must have the ability to determine, predict and report the impact of organizational costs to the management team.

Cloud Advisor

This is a cloud expert who understands all the technical areas of cloud platforms. Professionals have a deep understanding of the cloud market and have perfect communication skills. Therefore, these experts are employed by various organizations to conduct technical evaluation and research on various cloud platforms. They help business owners choose the ideal cloud-based solution that meets their needs.

Cloud Engineer

The responsibilities of any cloud engineer include implementing and managing SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS cloud service delivery models. By convention, this role involves designing and linking networks for multiple departments in various locations of the company. This is what the new character means:

  • Define the network bandwidth;
  • Determine how to connect the provider’s external data center to the organization’s network;
  • Establish a disaster recovery strategy that can compensate for cloud service provider failures;
  • Determine the percentage of uptime, how fast it should be, and whether the provider uses monthly or annual uptime guarantees.
  • Software developers in the cloud

This role is to design and develop secure applications, products and services. This will include everything from the front end, the full stack back end, data, web applications to data integration and cloud application deployment. These functions are the same as those of regular software developers, but the methods are different. Various aspects of the cloud developer role include definitions of the following:

In conclusion

Currently, many companies are looking for software engineers to develop secure cloud applications. However, there is a lack of cloud security experts responsible for increasing security threats. For these reasons, there are many opportunities for those with the necessary cloud software development skills.

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